Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Fracturing the Mind

The fourth stage is built upon the foundation of dissociation created in the first & second stages, and the love created in the third stage. (The demonology of the first step also helps pull in demons associated with programming, tunneling in the mind, and multiplicity, which are used in the fourth foundational step.) Often in the fourth step, the child’s mind will fracture along the same dissociation fracture lines that the trauma of the premature birth created.
If the child is not a premature baby, it will need some additional help to want to dissociate. The child can have its senses overwhelmed repeatedly to the point that it learns to react to its surroundings by what appears on the outside as a numbness, and mentally is simply dissociation.

Everything imaginable can be used to overwhelm the caged little child’s senses and create dissociation. Rotten faul odors of the child’s excrement, of amnonia, and rotten food while it huddles inits cage will overwhelm the child’s sense of smell. Being fed blood
overwhelms the sense of taste. The chanting of the Programmers dressed in Satanic garb, banging noises, rock music and the electric hum, and ultrasonic stimulation overwhelms the child’s sense of hearing. The child’s natural developing sense of shapes is taken advantage of by spinning the child and making it feel like it is going to fall. The child will also be deprived of sleep and drugged. Together all this will provide the dissociative base for splitting the core.
The fourth stage is to strip the child of everything nice and lovely in the world. The child is caged and tormented by electric shock. The child’s senses will be overloaded and they will become numb. Eyewitnesses have described these hundreds of numbed children as "zombies". This stage and the programming put in after the foundational dissociation is created will form the next chapter.

In the fourth step, the child is starved, cold and naked. When they finally see their beloved master or beloved adult caretaker appear after suffering from 42 to 72 hours, they are excited and they dissociate the pain of the previous hours of deprivation. Help appears to be on the scene. At that point the programmer/beloved adult shows his/her most vicious side, and the child in order to deal with how this loving caretaker has not only rejected them but is now hurting them dissociates along the same fractures of dissociation created by the trauma of the premature birth. The details of how the mind is split will be dealt with further in the next chapter.
In review of steps 3 and 4, part of the programming is to have the primary initial abuser bond with the child. A close loving bond is needed between a child and the initial abuser so that a clean split is created when the initial mind-splitting trauma is carried out. The clean split occurs when the child is confronted with two irreconcilable opposing viewpoints of someone who is important to them. The child can’t reconcile the two extremely opposite views of the same person, one being a loving caretaker, and the other being the worst kind of abuser. The person the child trusted the most is the person the child fears the most. Some professional therapists have come to realize that this is how the core is split. Jody Lienhart, a multiple herself, in her Ph.d dissertation correctly identifies the double bind of having two extremely opposite views of the most important person in the child’s life as the fundamental splitting mechanism. She writes in her 1983 dissertation on p. 6-7, "Implicit in each of the studies of childhood trauma is the pervasive nature of paradoxical communication. Frequently, this double bind communication style appears during the formative, preverbal stages of childhood in which the interpretation of these messages is confused. This results in insufficient experimental learning which would allow translation of the confused appropriate

This study presents the theoretical assumption that multiple personality is developed through early childhood state-dependent learning. [That means that learning is linked to a state of mind.] Furthermore, it is hypothesized that this learning occurs as a result of the hypnoidal effects of childhood trauma such as abuse and sexual molestation. The child, unable to translate the paradoxical nature of the messages he receives, fragments into a trance state. Furthermore, it is suggested that memories incorporated during each of these hypnoidal experiences are similar to knowledge acquired during state-dependent learning. Lienhart used her own memories as the basis for the type of trauma that suggests in her dissertation could create MPD. That trauma for her was her uncle forcing his penis into her mouth and almost choking her. The child is not in a position to flee, so the mind dissociates. She happened to have experienced a common trauma used to split a core. In order to split the core, the mind has to be trained to dissociate.
The ability to dissociate is obtained by being genetically bred from dissociative parents, by having a premature birth/traumatic birth if possible, and by the conditioning done at the original programming center (between 18 mo. & 3 years) where intermittent electric shock along with the all the senses being overwhelmed, along with sleep deprivation and drugs create a dissociative base to split the core. The initial sadistic abuse to split the mind, is called "severing the core."Each person’s original mind is like an open computer. The original computerlike mind in order to continue working, when confronted with overwhelming trauma, splits a part of the mind off and walls it up with amnesia barriers. From this area further splits can be made. One of the major technical feats to make computers useable was to figure out how to be able to wall off and protect memory in the computer from being accessed and used. When they succeeded in engineering isolated memory the other problems were minor.

When someone has been traumatized from the fetus on up--there is no single core such as therapists usually look for. The Core for the programmers is the unsplit essence of the mind which drives or provides energy for the System. This Core is not an alter, but is an essence that the programmers hide. The Core is not an alter. The programmers do not touch the core in the fashion they do alters. They hide the core.
Part of the drama that is carried out during the entire victim’s life, is that their mind tries to protect this untouched core essense of their mind from being touched. If they think anyone, the therapist or the abuser are going to tamper with it, the mind and its parts will protect that core. As strange as it may seem, when a therapist talks about integration, they often scare the victim’s mind that the integrity of the core and its innocence will be violated, and the victim’s mind does everything it can to avoid contaminating the integrity of their core, i.e. they sabotage therapy and return to their programmer who understands their safety issue. Initially, in the 1940s, the Illuminati researched what would happen if the Core was allowed to meet up with the alters, and they discovered that the brain’s essence or energy will work to pull the mind back together. Therefore, the Core is separated and hidden from all the alters. In Illuminati systems, it is usually placed in the middle of its first splits, which are also sources of energy and which are well hidden. They are dehumanized parts which function as gems, which are programmed as in the Alice In Wonderland story to change shape and color if they are approached, which rarely happens. These parts will be discussed in other chapters including how a system is structured. A dissociative carousel is also attached around the core. After the core is hidden, the rest of the alters will be programmed not to look for the energy/synthesizing part of the system. The real "core" or primal part of the unconscious will have an adult representative of it in a Monarch System.

This primal part has a Toddler switch upon which all the programming is built. An event(s) in the child’s life is used to build the programming upon. The Illuminati know about the various base programs and the foundational traumas, and some of this is kept secret from programmers who come from front organizations of the Illuminati.
There are a number of parts which will be called "cores"--simply because they were early parts, but there is no intact single person who represents all of the mind. All that is left are fragments of the mind, each segment walled off with amnesia. The alters who perceive themselves to be "cores" are alters who have been programmed to think they are the core alter. The mind has a way of knowing the truth, and these alters may realize that their programmed story line is suspicious, but they won’t know what is "fishy" about it, so they tend to be in denial about their identity. These substitute or mock cores will often be in denial that they are even MPD. In some cases, where Scripture was used to program with, the core was told that it would be "blessed by multiplying as the seeds in the stars of heaven and the sands of the sea" if "thou hast obeyed my voice", which is misuse of Gen. Alters which represent the "sands of the sea" pop up if analter tries to get to the core.

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